Thursday, March 10, 2011

How to Steal Passwords with an Android Phone

Educational Purposes only, same with all the other tutorials on here. Try it at your own risk(nothing will happen).
- A computer
- A Rooted Android phone
- Packet sniffer on your computer. Download:
1. Download wireless tether for your rooted phone, and launch the app.
2. Press menu then press change SSID and change it to whatever.
3. Connect your computer to the SSID you just made by scanning for networks on your computer. Then, you should see the network you just made. Connect to that.
4. Create two blank text files on your desktop. Label one TCP, and the other UDP.
5. Open packet sniffer, and go to the TCP tab and click the "..." at the bottom. Browse for the TCP file on your desktop. Then check the box that says "enable logging"(without quotes). Do the same with UDP.
6. In the top left corner of packet sniffer there should be a box containing your ip address. You need to change that. Click start>run>cmd. Once you're in command prompt, type "ipconfig"(no quotes). You want to go to where it says default gateway and enter that in packet sniffer.
7. Once you have done that, click start logging on both the TCP tab and the UDP tab. Try to log into your victim's account. It should say login failed unless you are a good guesser. Now go back to packet sniffer, and click stop logging on both the TCP tab and the UDP tab.
8. Open the TCP.txt on your desktop. Press ctrl+f and search for "password="(no quotes). Keep trying until you get the password. If that doesn't work, then try the UDP.txt.
9. That's it

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